Dr. Martino Rossi Monti / bibliography

Il cielo in terra. La grazia fra teologia ed estetica [Heaven on Earth. Grace Between Theology and Aesthetics] (Torino: Utet, 2008).

Book chapters and articles
“Visioni di grazia. La leggenda di san Luca e il sogno di Raffaello” [Visions of Grace. The Legend of Saint Luke and Raphael’s Dream], Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2 (2009), pp. 423-443.
“‘Opus es magnificum’. The Image of God and the Aesthetics of Grace”, in C.S. Jaeger (ed.), Magnificence and the Sublime in Medieval Aesthetics: Art, Architecture, Literature Music (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), pp. 17-34.
“‘You Will Be Like God’. Fascination of Force and Social Conformism in Two War Episodes”, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 50 (2010), pp. 6-37.
“The Splendor of Grace. Plotinus and the Cistercian Tradition”, in J.F. Finamore, J. Phillips (eds.), Literary, Philosophical, and Religious Studies in the Platonic Tradition: Papers from the 7th Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2013), pp. 167-178.
“‘Questa arcana e leggera qualità’. La grazia come ideale di comportamento tra Medioevo e Rinascimento” [‘An arcane and light quality’. Grace as an Ideal of Behaviour Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance], in N. Panichi (ed.), L’antidoto di Mercurio. La “civil conversazione” tra Rinascimento ed età moderna (Firenze: Olschki, 2013), pp. 113-129.
M. Rossi Monti, S. Givone, “Primo Levi in Auschwitz”, in W. Storch, K. Ruschkowski (eds.), Deutschland-Italien. Aufbruch aus Diktatur und Krieg (Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 2013), pp. 93-95.
“‘Un filosofo mancato’. Aporie della concezione plotiniana della natura” [‘A Philosopher manqué’. Difficulties in Plotinus’ Theory of Nature], in A. La Vergata (ed.), Nature (Pisa: ETS, 2014), pp. 13-47.
“Too Painful to Watch? On Violence, Suffering and the Macabre in Plato’s Athens”, Antiquorum Philosophia, 8 (2014), pp. 65-98.
“Note su fisiognomica e grazia da Bernardo di Chiaravalle a Giovan Battista Della Porta” [Some Remarks on Grace and Physiognomics between Bernard of Clairvaux and Giovan Battista Della Porta], Bruniana & Campanelliana, forthcoming.
“An Irresistible Quality? On Grace and Beauty of Soul Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages”, in M. Rust, B.M. Bedos-Rezak (eds.), Faces of Charisma (Leiden: Brill), forthcoming.